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15 Facebook Stats Marketers Need To Know To Succeed

Use these updated stats to make important decisions about your marketing campaigns on Facebook.

1. 79% of monthly users are active daily

This figure has remained consistent throughout 2020 and 2021 even with the combined 18.2% growth rate of users for those years. 

2. Facebook is the favorite social platform of the 35-44 demographic

Instagram takes the top spot among audiences under 25, but Facebook is the favorite social network for these demographics below:

  • Male internet users, 25-34: 15.9%
  • Male internet users, 35-44: 17.7%
  • Female internet users, 35-44: 15.7%
  • Female internet users, 45-54: 18%

3. Over 72% of Facebook users also use YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram

The figures come in at 74.7% of Facebook users also frequenting YouTube, 72.7% using WhatsApp, and 78.1% using Instagram.

There are considerable overlaps in other popular social networks, such as 47.8% of Facebook users also being on TikTok, 48.8% on Twitter, and 36.1% on Pinterest.

Having a strong cross-platform campaign strategy will ensure you deliver the right message on each platform.

4. Users spend an average of 19.6 hours a month on Facebook

That comes in second only to YouTube’s 23.7 hours a month and substantially more than Instagram’s 11.2 hours per month. This Facebook statistic is for Android users only but it’s still indicative of industry patterns.

Almost 20 hours a month equals one week a month at a part-time job. So, if your content isn’t getting results, it’s not for lack of attention. Change it up. Try something new. Invest in audience research. Then, use what you learn to create what your people really want to see.

5. People spend 33 minutes a day on Facebook

To social media managers, that’s nothin’, right? Well, to the normies out there, it’s a lot. Time per day has declined since 2017 as more competitors emerged, though importantly, people are still spending the most time on Facebook.

The most users + the most time spent = still the most opportunity for marketers.


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Daily time spent on social media platforms

6. 31% of Americans regularly get their news from Facebook

While that’s declined from 36% in 2020, it’s still much higher than any other social network. YouTube comes in second with 22% of Americans regularly getting their news there.

Where do Americans get their news? Pew Research

7. 20. 57% vs. 51%: Users learn more life skills from social media than university

Globally, 57% of social media users say they’ve learned more about life from social media than being at university.

While information accuracy on social media continues to be a challenge for all platforms, users report wanting to engage with learning opportunities more on social media than in traditional school environments. This is a great opportunity for brands to highlight educational content in creative ways.

8. 81.8% of users only use Facebook on a mobile device

Most users — 98.5% — use Facebook on their mobile device, but 81.8% of people strictly access the platform via mobile. Comparatively, only 56.8% of all Internet traffic is from mobile devices.

This is likely driven by user growth in mobile-first regions, such as Asia and parts of the developing world. It underlines the importance of designing your content and ads with a mobile-first strategy.

9. 1.8 billion people use Facebook Groups every month

While popular before 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic drew more people into Groups. Both as a way to connect with others during social distancing measures — especially for women who more often bear the weight of caregiving responsibilities — and for medical professionals to collaborate and educate others.

Facebook is investing in new Groups features in 2022, such as sub-groups within a Group, member awards, and live chat events.

10. The average organic reach of a Facebook Page post is 5.2%

Organic reach has steadily declined each year, ending 2020 with 5.2%. In 2019, it was 5.5% and 7.7% in 2018.


Organic Facebook content should still be a big part of your strategy for your existing audience. But, yes, it’s true: You’ll need to couple that with Facebook ads to see positive growth.


11. Facebook removed 4,596,765 pieces of content in 2021 due to copyright, trademark, or counterfeit reports

That’s a 23.6% increase compared to 2020. Reports of intellectual property violations have steadily risen since 2019, though Facebook continues to develop detection and enforcement tools to keep it at bay.


Copyrighted content removal stats


Source: Facebook


Facebook ad stats


12. Cost-per-click is up 13% vs. 2020

The average Facebook ads cost-per-click was 0.38 USD in 2020, lower than previous years largely due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic — but it rallied back in 2021 with an average CPC of 0.43 USD.


In general, Facebook ad costs tend to be lower in the first quarter of each year and reach a peak approaching the last quarter and holiday shopping season, as seen with September 2021’s average CPC of 0.50 USD.


13. Facebook US ads are expected to surge 15.5% year-over-year in 2022

eMarketer predicts US ad revenue will top $58.1 billion in 2022, which would be a 15.5% increase from 2021. 2020 had an unusually high growth rate due to the surge in e-commerce demand as a result of pandemic lockdowns affecting in-person sales.

US Facebook Net Ad Revenues, Statista

Source: eMarketer


14. Facebook’s potential advertising reach is 2.11 billion people

Meta claims their total advertising audience is 2.11 billion people, or 72.5% of their total 2.91 billion monthly active users.

Since Facebook is the most populous social platform, it’s also the one with the highest potential ad reach. Again, for marketers serious about growth, Facebook isn’t optional.

15. Facebook will be able to translate 100s of languages in real-time

Imagine writing your social content in one language and being able to confidently rely on Facebook to accurately translate it to a global audience. It’s a closer reality than you think, with Meta announcing the AI-driven project in February 2022.

With 50% of people having a native language not in the 10 most common, increasing your communication capabilities is always a smart move.

Top 10 most spoken languages in the world, Meta

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